Aspiring Male Model Brags About Alleged Joe Simpson Affair

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 3 MIN.

RadarOnline reports that a 21-year-old aspiring male model has been bragging about his affair with Jessica Simpson's father, Joe, for the past year.

Bryce Chandler Hill claims he has been dating the pop star's dad and manager, for about a year. An anonymous source told the website that the two have had several adventures around West Hollywood, a popular gay destination in Southern California.

The source also told Radar that Hill met Simpson, 54, through a mutual friend, who is very close to his daughters Jessica and Ashlee Simpson. But the friend claims Hill has been using Simpson for his money and as a springboard to become famous.

Last week, EDGE reported that the National Enquirer broke the news that Joe Simpson and his wife Tina were allegedly getting a divorce because Joe told his family that he is gay.

"Joe got the family together about two months ago and came out of the closet," an anonymous source told the Enquirer. "He told them that he'd tried to continue in his marriage to Tina, but he couldn't go on any longer and deny the fact that he had these feelings for men. Joe said it wasn't fair to her, and it wasn't fair to him."

A source close to Hill told Radar that the gay community in Hollywood was not surprised when the Enquierer outed Simpson.

"Bryce is close to TJ Espinoza, who in turn is good friends with both Jessica and Ashlee and worked for Britney Spears as a back-up dancer," the source said."TJ introduced Bryce to the Simpsons - and that's how he met Joe. Bryce claims he's been dating Joe for roughly a year and absolutely loves to boast about it because he loves being the center of attention. He's also been quick to tell anyone that will listen that he's using Joe to climb the showbiz ladder," they added.

The source went on to say that Hill is "desperate to become famous" and that he has "done lots of modeling shoots and wants to become an actor."

"When he met Joe, he knew what a good job he had done in managing Jessica and Ashlee's careers and wanted a piece of the pie himself," the source continued. "But the sad thing is, he mocks and laughs at Joe behind his back. He doesn't care for him in the same way Joe does about him."

Radar also reported that a different anonymous source told them Jessica Simpson was shocked to learn that her father is allegedly gay and that she is having a difficult time coming to terms with the revelation. The source added, however, that Jessica promised to stand by her father, who was a former youth minister and Baptist pastor.

"Jessica had absolutely no clue that her father was gay, not even the slightest inkling," the source told Radar. "She thinks she has very good gaydar, especially since a lot of her friends are gay, but she did not see this coming at all," the source said. "It was a complete shock to the system, she feels terribly for her mom who was left reeling by the announcement and her sister Ashlee has also taken the news quite badly."

According to Radar, when Joe was arrested for drunk driving in August, there was someone else in the car with him. While some claimed it to be his wife Tina, others insisted it was his boyfriend.

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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