1st Russian Publication Fined for 'Homosexual Propaganda'

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 1 MIN.

Russia's Molodoi Dalnevostochnik newspaper has become the first publication in the country to be accused of violating the country's controversial "homosexual propaganda" law, Russia's RIA Novosti reports.

The publication's editor-in-chief, Alexander Suturin, was fined 50,000 rubles ($1,400 USD).

This is the first time Russia's "homosexual propaganda" measure, which was signed into law by President Vladimir Putin last summer, was used against the media. Individuals, namely protesters, have been hit with fines for spreading "propaganda of nontraditional relationships."

Molodoi Dalnevostochnik, which is the oldest newspaper in the Khabarovsk region (19 miles from the Chinese border), was first criticized because the newspaper warns its readers that no one under 16-years of age should visit its website. Russia's anti-gay law prohibits the "promotion of nontraditional sexual relations among minors" and as RIA Novosti notes, the age of minority in Russia is 18.

The story that came under fire is called "A History About Gay-ography," which was published in September. The article is about a local geography teacher and gay rights activist who says he was pressured into quitting his job at a school and then assaulted by a neo-Nazi group because he is gay.

While appearing in court, Suturin denied that the article promoted gay relationships, however, and says he will appeal the fine.

You can read EDGE's report about Russian teachers who were allegedly fired because of their sexuality by clicking here.

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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