NJ Gov. Christie to Campaign for Rauner in Chicago

Jason St. Amand READ TIME: 1 MIN.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie will be in Chicago to support Bruce Rauner's campaign for Illinois governor.

Christie and Rauner are scheduled to visit a Chicago-area business Friday afternoon. Christie will headline an evening fundraiser for Rauner at a Chicago hotel.

Christie is chairman of the Republican Governors Association. The group sees Rauner's race against Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn as one of its top two opportunities to pick up a governorship in November. It has donated $1.5 million to Rauner's campaign.

Christie has recently heightened his public profile in the wake of allegations of a political payback scandal. He's seen as a possible 2016 Republican presidential candidate.

His visit won't be without its detractors. Groups supporting gay marriage and other causes say they plan to protest outside the fundraiser.

by Jason St. Amand , National News Editor

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