NYC Pride Unveils 'Complete the Dream' as 2015 Theme


New York, NY, February 9, 2015 - NYC Pride announced its 2015 theme, "Complete the Dream" with the release of theme artwork and brand elements for June's celebrations. NYC Pride organizes some of the world's largest and most prominent LGBT pride events, including: the March, the Rally, PrideFest, Family Movie Night, and iconic dances on Manhattan's West Side piers.

"Our 2015 theme highlights how close we are coming to our dream of full LGBT equality and liberation," said Maryanne Roberto, NYC Pride Co-Chair. "In fact, one facet of that dream-full legal recognition of marriage equality in the US-could be made real by the United States Supreme Court in the days before we step off down Fifth Avenue."

In selecting "Complete the Dream" as its 2015 theme, the organization endeavors to honor not only the dreams of LGBT people, but also the dreams of all people seeking liberation from injustice. Further, the theme is a reminder that the LGBT community's fight is not over until all LGBT people, including youth, transgender people, and LGBT people of color, are shown full dignity and respect under the law and in society.

"We feel our theme and creative for this year embodies the serious yet celebratory nature of where we stand at this crossroads in LGBT history. Everyone's dreams are dynamically different but we all dream of reaching full equality. We are excited to welcome the world once again on what will likely be a truly historic year for the LGBT community," said Managing Director Chris Frederick.

LGBT Pride as an annual event began in New York in 1970 on the first anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising. In 2015, more than 1.7 million people are expected to participate in NYC Pride's official slate of events, which take place from June 21 to June 28.

For a full calendar of NYC Pride events, or for more information, visit


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