Duggar Dirt Deepens As Second Police Report is Published


Those experiencing "Duggar fatigue" won't be able to count on a break anytime soon.

In advance of Megyn Kelly's exclusive interview with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar on Fox News Wednesday evening, In Touch Weekly has dropped another bomb in the form of a newly unearthed police report on the publicity beleaguered reality TV mega-family.

According to the new report from the Washington County Sheriff's Office, obtained by In Touch using the Freedom of Information Act, Josh confessed to his father, Jim Bob Duggar, on three separate occasions to multiple acts of sexual molestation against four of his sisters and a family friend.

The police report also reveals that Josh was 15 years old when he allegedly molested his five-year-old sister and committed at least seven separate acts of sexual molestation.

It gets worse. According to the report, parents Jim Bob and Michelle waited at least 16 months before contacting authorities about Josh's alleged molestations, even though it appeared as though the behavior was continuing and getting worse.

Detective Gary Cooper, who took the report in 2006 notes how the incidences came to light.

"I asked the Duggars if they knew how this had come up at this time. They said at the time these things occurred, a family friend who was aware of what had happened had written down in a letter what he knew of with REDACTED actions. That letter had been placed in a book and had subsequently been forgotten about. Just recently the book had been loaned to someone else with the letter in it and the person who discovered the letter had called the hotline. The Duggars declined to identify who wrote the letter or who found it."

The full police report can be read at In Touch Weekly's website.


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