One Million Moms Get a Headache Over Gay-Inclusive Tylenol Ad

Bobby McGuire READ TIME: 2 MIN.

One Million Moms (OMM) have a headache called equality and now thanks to a new LGBT-inclusive ad campaign for Tylenol that includes a same-sex prom couple and two dads with a baby, they'll have to turn to off-brand acetaminophen or maybe just deal with it. Like that will happen.

Following on the heels of their tirade against the makers of Chobani yogurt earlier this week for including a lesbian couple in a television ad, OMM has a new rant against Tylenol. They claim the makers of the popular pain reliever is pushing the LGBT agenda, redefining "family," normalizing sin and desensitizing viewers.

Lighten up, ladies. It's just a commercial.

Their latest rant reads:

Gay and lesbian couples are featured prominently in Tylenol's new #HowWeFamily campaign, which aims to change the face of the American family.

A same sex prom couple and two gay dads with a baby are among those featured in the campaign's first TV ad. A voiceover declares, "Family isn't defined by who you love, but how."

Tylenol is glorifying all modern family types by stating a family is based on love not traditional marriage, and then showing gay couples with their children. One Million Moms believes family is based on love, but this does not justify normalizing sin. OMM does not agree with the need for Tylenol to support same sex marriages or couples.

Plus, Tylenol recently used a lesbian couple shown nose to nose in a printed magazine ad. It was included in Good Housekeeping June 2015 issue on page 21, to name one example. At the bottom of the ad it states that Tylenol is a national corporate partner with the Human Rights Campaign.

Companies should advertise the quality of their products, or in this case, how and when to take a medication and why it works. They should not be highlighting who is attracted to whom or who sleeps with whom. This is a marketing decision Tylenol will regret.

This gay-inclusive commercial is attempting to desensitize viewers. There is concern about the way this ad is pushing the LGBT agenda, but an even greater concern is the way that they are attempting to redefine "family."

OMM is calling on their mis-counted 72,000 followers to contact Tylenol's parent company Johnson & Johnson and demand the ad be pulled. They're even threatening to lay off Tylenol altogether if their demands aren't met, which means the One Million Dads married to One Million Moms will probably be getting the old "not tonight, I have a headache" excuse a lot in the foreseeable future.

by Bobby McGuire

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