SC Man Hides Shoplifted Meat Inside Colostomy Bag


Vegetarianism is sounding better and better every day.

South Carolina was the site of one of the most creative incidents of shoplifting this week, when a man was arrested for smuggling a stolen cut of ribeye steak from a supermarket inside of his colostomy bag.

According to a report published by The Smoking Gun, on Tuesday, police arrested David Samuel Hoyt, 55, of Roebuck, S.C., on the charge of shoplifting.

After being spotted leaving a local Food Lion with $75 worth of stolen meat, store employees wrote down the license plate number of his green Nissan and notified police. It didn't take long for deputies to track Hoyt to the residence of his girlfriend, Angela Woody, 47, who "lives on Shaw Rd. down from the Church of God."

Although Hoyt initially denied being involved in any meat-heist, Woody was more than happy to drop-the-dime on her steak-loving boyfriend.

"Mrs. Woody confirmed that Mr. Hoyt had taken meat from Food Lion by putting it in his colostomy bag," the police report noted.

Hoyt was taken in by police and charged with shoplifting. He remains in the county jail on $2,130 bond.

No mention was made in the report as to whether Hoyt's colostomy-bagged steaks were returned to Food Lion.

The Hoyt incident echoes a story in November 2014, in which Jackie Jenkins, a 350-pound South Carolina man, was also charged with shoplifting ribeye steaks from a Wal-Mart by placing them under the seat of his motorized handicapped scooter and riding the meat out of store passing the checkout aisles.


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