German Man Stays In Burning Sex Shop To Finish Watching Porn


That must have been some movie.

A man in Germany was taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation after he refused to vacate a burning Hamburg sex shop until he finished watching a porn.

According to The Toronto Sun, the blaze occurred in the city's red light district at the Sexy Angel shop. As firefighters battled the fire, a 33-year-old man refused to vacate his video booth even as the flames threaten to destroy the building and smoke filled his viewing room.

Fire department spokesman Matin Scheider spoke with German new outlet BILD about the reluctant evacuee.

"He only came out after my men broke down the door," Scheider said.

The unnamed man was eventually pulled from his video booth. He was reportedly "in a state of arousal" when firefighters dragged him to the street.

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