Musical Director Rueben Reynolds on BGMC's Banner Year

Steve Duffy READ TIME: 4 MIN.

The Boston Gay Men's Chorus (BGMC) are having a banner year, from visiting the Middle East to hosting a series of sold-out holiday concerts this December. EDGE spoke with the group's musical director Reuben Reynolds about working with the chorus & their Middle East trip.

The Boston Gay Men's Chorus (BGMC) are having a banner year, from visiting the Middle East to hosting a series of sold-out holiday concerts this December. There are but three remaining performances of this year's concert, called "Ho, Ho, Ho," through Monday; but it is best to get tickets now because they are quickly selling out. (For further information, the group's website.)

This past year is an especially notable one for the 33 year-old chorus as it marked its tour of the Middle East, the first time an LGBT chorus toured the Middle East.

EDGE spoke to the group's musical director Reuben Reynolds about the tour and what else the chorus has been up to this year. Reynolds has been musical director for the past 18 years.

EDGE: How long have you been with BGMC, and what are your favorite aspects of being a part of it?

Reuben Reynolds: I have been with the BGMC for 18 years. I love the relationships that are formed with the chorus members and the audience members. For the chorus members, I love to see the joy that they get from standing up and performing on stage and knowing they are part of something bigger than themselves. As for the audience, I love the love and commitment that they give to us as a chorus.

EDGE: As stated on the BGMC website, the purpose of the chorus is 'to inspire.' What do you hope to inspire in the audience with this holiday concert?

Reuben Reynolds: I think we help inspire all by showing them that they should be able to do what you want to do. We all need to find your own way and your own path for our lives. As a chorus, I think we inspire by creating our stories and not hiding from them. Our song selections always have a message that can be used as a powerful tool.

EDGE: As the music director for the chorus, how do you balance between giving the audience what they expect to hear but still continue to challenge the chorus artistically and musically?

Reuben Reynolds: Great questions! The audience wants to hear the same songs over and over again, especially, the holiday shows. But never fear, ideas always seem to come my way. With each show, I make sure that we are communicating with the audience and telling them a story. I want them to see that we are being true to ourselves by telling them our story. Creating each show over the last 18 years really makes my soul soar when I see the faces of the chorus members and the audience light up.

EDGE: Can you describe what the experience was like being the first gay chorus performing across the Middle East?

Reuben Reynolds: It was exhilarating and a bit scary at times, to be honest. I traveled to Tel Aviv last summer (2014) to make sure this was the right thing for us to do. What I didn't think about after that first trip was how fast the Middle East is changing politically, but luckily every concert we performed we had such a huge reception.

After the summer tour, I returned to Istanbul with my nephew and a tour guide that I was with said to me 'I think I know you.' He had friends that had attended one of the concerts and remembered my face. He thanked me for coming and performing. I was happy that we did and hopefully our concerts will continue to generate change in the Middle East.

EDGE: What's next for BGMC in the year to come?

Reuben Reynolds: Next year is looking exciting! We are working with a young writer who is scripting our March show based on our Middle East experiences. For our Pride show in June, we are doing an abbreviation of pop music through the years.

The remaining performances of "Ho, Ho, Ho," this year's holiday concert, are Saturday, December 19, 2015, Sunday, December 20, 2015 at 8 p.m. and Monday, December 21, 2015, all at 8 p.m. at Jordan Hall. Ticket availability is limited. For more information, visit the group's website.

by Steve Duffy

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