Limbaugh Claims Obama Admin-Backed Lesbian Farm Owners Will Subvert Heartland


Only Rush Limbaugh could turn a government-sponsored series of summits aimed at addressing issues of being LGBT in rural America into an Obama Administration plot aiming to have lesbians take over farm ownership and subvert the heartland.

In a recent broadcast, Limbaugh cited an article in �ber rightwing conspiracy machine The Washington Free Beacon that claimed that the US Department of Agriculture was "holding summits to promote the role of lesbian farmers as a part of its 'Rural Pride' campaign ... to change the perception of what it means to be a farmer in America away from the 'white, rich male." From there, the radio blowhard drew his own conservative doomsday inferences.

"It's not about lesbian farmers. What they're trying to do is convince lesbians to become farmers." Limbaugh said. "You sit in there and laugh. Okay, go ahead and laugh at it, but I'm telling you what they're doing. They are trying to bust up one of the last geographically conservative regions in the country; that's rural America."

He continued:

"Rural America happens to be largely conservative. Rural America is made up of self-reliant, rugged individualist types. They happen to be big believers in the Second Amendment. So here comes the Obama Regime with a bunch of federal money and they're waving it around, and all you gotta do to get it is be a lesbian and want to be a farmer and they'll set you up. I'm like you; I never before in my life knew that lesbians wanted to be farmers."

Limbaugh's theory is that the Obama Administration's plan is to attack rural states. "They're already attacking suburbs," He said. "They're going after every geographic region that is known to be largely conservative. They never stop, folks. They are constantly on the march.

In reality, the Rural Pride events, offer a unique opportunity for USDA and other federal agencies to share information relating to policies, programs, and services that exist to protect, promote and strengthen LGBT rural communities. Issues ranging from rural housing loans, community facility grants and bullying will be discussed.

"We applaud the USDA for celebrating lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people living in rural communities across the country with this important series of summits," said Cyndi Lauper, co-founder of the True Colors Fund. "LGBT youth comprise up to 40 percent of our nation's homeless youth population. Those in rural communities face incredibly unique challenges and are such an important and often overlooked part of this conversation. The True Colors Fund is proud to partner with the USDA and NCLR to highlight their stories as a part of the many experiences that LGBT people face in rural America."

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