Noah's Ark Theme Park Creator Blasts 'Sinful' Lesbian Power Ranger


Ken Ham, the man behind the Noah's Ark theme park in Kentucky, took a break from spending taxpayer dollars on elaborate science-denial to blast the new "Power Rangers" movie over the inclusion of a lesbian character.

The new Power Rangers reboot film has been lauded over its inclusiveness, notably the blue Power Ranger Billy who is on the autism spectrum. There is also a brief moment where Trini, the yellow Power Ranger alludes to having "girlfriend problems."

According to a blog post published by Ham on Sunday, the inclusion of an autistic character by the filmmakers is "using this aspect of their film for good." Ham, however, does not extend that sentiment to the LGBT character, which he labels a move "to promote sinful behavior as acceptable."

"Homosexual behavior is just the newest hot-button social issue that's popping up in film after film, including kids' movies, and already permeates so many TV series)," Ham writes. "No doubt, we will continue to see the normalization of all kinds of sinful behaviors as our culture drifts further from the foundation of God's Word as the basis for morality."

"So what's the difference?" Ham asks. "Why is promoting inclusion and acceptance for those on the Autism Spectrum a positive element, but doing the same thing for those who identify as LGBT a negative element?"

"This is comparing apples to oranges," Ham explained. "Being on the Autism Spectrum is not sinful. But homosexual behavior is sinful (Romans 1:26-27) and so is approving of those who practice it."

"In this day, though, when a Christian lovingly points out that homosexual behavior is sin (as stated clearly in God's Word), then that Christian is almost immediately falsely accused of being homophobic!" Ham ranted.

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