Dumb-Ass Lists: EDGE's Top 10 Favorite Trumps Invade The Vatican Tweets


The last time a pope looked this unhappy, it was 1517, and Martin Luther had just started the Protestant Reformation.

A viral image of the Trump family's trip to the Vatican exploded on social media this week. It's been called everything from "The Addams Family with nuclear codes" to "Death at a Sears portrait studio." In it, a confused looking Ivanka Trump stands next to a terrified looking Melania Trump beside President Trump doing his best Jack Nicholson as The Joker impression. A foot away from America's first family, Pope Francis stands looking like he could punch a cripple.

The photo was just part of the Trump's very awkward trip to The Vatican after bashing the pontiff on Twitter last year while running for president.

Predictably, Twitter exploded over this. EDGE took a spin through the microblog site and pulled out our top ten favorites. Here they are, in no particular order.

This story is part of our special report: "Dumb-Ass Lists". Want to read more? Here's the full list.

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