Watch: 'Big Brother' Houseguests Under Fire for Mocking Fellow Contestant Over His Autism


A number of contestants on the latest all-star edition of "Big Brother" are coming under fire this week for mocking a fellow houseguest who has autism, TMZ reports.

Fans of "Big Brother" can tune into the 24/7 live-feeds CBS provides where Ian Terry, who won "Big Brother" Season 14, has been outspoken this season about being on the spectrum. Producers have also edited his story into the actual show that airs three times a week, but a video recorded from the live-feeds is getting a lot of attention and shows houseguests Christmas Abbott, Dani Briones, Nicole Franzel and Memphis Garrett mocking Terry, who sometimes rocks back-and-forth during conversations.

The clip TMZ posted finds Garrett making fun of Terry's movements and shows the others laughing.

"That's fucking weird!" Garrett said. Later on, he says Terry "stresses me out" and that he "scares me," going on to compare him to something from a horror movie. Everyone else is seen laughing.

Fans of "Big Brother" (along with former houseguests Kaysar Ridha - who was evicted last week - and "Big Brother" Season 21's Kat Dunn) and Terry were quick to call out the show and houseguests on Twitter.

"Big Brother" has come under fire over the last few years for houseguests making racist comments. Tyler Crispin, who is on the current season, came under fire on Twitter for possibly using the Black Lives Matter movement to further his game and make himself look good while two Black women, Bayleigh Dayton and Da'Vonne Rogers, are nominated to be evicted from the game. Oprah Magazine's McKenzie Jean-Philippe has a detailed explanation of the situation, which you can read by clicking here.

Watch the footage of Garrett and the other houseguests mocking Terry below.

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