Cymbiotika Founder Chervin Jafarieh and the Key to a Well-Balanced Life


Spoiler alert: There is no singular key to a well-balanced life. But after chatting with Chervin Jafarieh, founder of the integrated wellness company Cymbiotika, it's clear that taking a step back to recalibrate with the present is a launching point for any decision that comes thereafter.

"We've forgotten what we've forgotten," says Jafarieh, the son of Iranian immigrants who, from a young age, was drawn to the poems of Rumi, the raw food movement spearheaded by David Wolfe, and the philosophies of Rudolf Steiner. "We're not just here to drive a car or sit in front of a computer. Our lives are so much more complex. Human design is a combination of our intrinsic imprint, DNA, and where we grew up. Fortunately, my parents didn't hold me in a box."

Jafarieh speaks of these intersections, recognizing that each individual's lived experience is unique, an imprint of our conscious selves – how we were raised, the foods we eat, and even the shame we endured. This culmination of our surroundings, particularly impactful from conception through age seven, can create what Jafarieh describes as an "identity informed by indoctrination – family, friends, media, modern schooling systems, you become a reaction to all of those things."

For the LGBTQ community, this can mean enduring years of family- and society-based trauma. As EDGE previously reported, according to The Trevor Project's second annual national survey on LGBTQ youth mental health, 40 percent of respondents seriously considered attempting suicide in the past 12 months, with more than half of transgender and nonbinary youth having seriously considered it.

"When in inner turmoil, things don't serve you, which is why we turn to escapism," reflects Jafarieh. These compounding pressures drive many LGBTQ people to substance and alcohol abuse, unhealthy relationships, or sexual addiction. But the road to inner peace and holistic wellness isn't all "kumbaya."

"We want to have rituals and practice – to be in free flow and surrender, but there are also strategies," says Jafarieh. "Consider the human body and its relationship to Mother Earth. We want to be breathing clean air, connected to the earth, sunlight on our skin, moving our bodies, pushing our lymphatic systems and good oral health."

Why We're No Longer What We Eat
There's a sense of clarity when chatting with Jafarieh, whose global knowledge spans science, medicine, and spirituality. At his core is an intersectional understanding of how we can support optimal body function in a modern society that's often depleted of the essential vitamins and nutrients we need most.

Jafarieh references the groundbreaking work of Dr. Weston Price, who traveled the world researching the oral conditions of indigenous people around the globe and made the connection between dental decay and nutritional deficiencies. But in today's world – particularly western cultures – most of the foods we eat have been conventionally farmed and lack the essential vitamins and nutrients needed to maintain optimal body function.

One of Cymbiotika's best-selling food-grade formulations is Vitamin D3 + K2 + CoQ10. It's been well-documented that combining D3 and K2 leads to "synergistic interplay" according to the International Journal of Endocrinology, but Jafarieh was determined to formulate a best-in-class product by using a groundbreaking NANO bio-technology delivery system known as micelle. This technology guarantees maximum absorption making these vital nutrients permeable on a sub-cellular level. The addition of antioxidant CoQ10 helps control the harmful effects of free radicals and oxidative stress, which is directly related to the aging process.

"We're bringing back what we've lost in foods today. You are what you can absorb," says Jafarieh of the importance of designing and manufacturing Cymbiotika's formulations. Even the glass bottle has been coated with UV protection technology to ensure its contents remain effective. Not to be confused with sublingual drops and tinctures that are flooding the marketplace, Cymbiotika's formulations are food-grade and more effectively absorbed through the large intestine.

Being of Service
Jafarieh, who has "lived in the jungles, lived with shamans, gone to the dark side of the soul," has transformed his passion into a business model with intention and integrity that doesn't cut corners. "I don't have a Board to report to or margins to discuss. We don't have inventory sitting around for extended periods – it's expensive to make, but we're in it for the long haul. We're doing everything we can to be a light in this world: connecting to indigenous cultures and combining that knowledge with the highest level of technology."

In today's crowded online marketplace, where consumers often look for a quick fix for issues that have been a lifetime in the making, Jafarieh offers profoundly simple advice: "You can't be empty or half-filled and try to show up for people." While a recent virus has overtaken the news cycle and enveloped the world, Jafarieh references a parasitic mentality equally damaging: poverty consciousness.

"Gratitude is a potent medicine," reflects Jafarieh. "If we focus on what we don't have, we miss the magic of being alive. Rise out of your shell and ask yourself: How are you going to show up for someone today?"

Disclaimer: The FDA only evaluates foods and drugs, not supplements like these products. These products are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease.

by Matthew Wexler

Matthew Wexler is EDGE's Senior Editor, Features & Branded Content. More of his writing can be found at Follow him on Twitter and Instagram at @wexlerwrites.

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